Wysteria Maeve Nyx

OC Creator: Dana (@dungeonsndana @sidekicktetra)
Question Contact: Katie, Ash

Okay to Cosplay? Yes

Character Information

Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
Physical Description:

6′ 2″ Fae. Tall and slender with little muscle. Tan skin. Light purple bob parted in the middle. 90’s bangs with longer tendrils with a slight gradient. Bright pink eyes with no pupil. Gap between two front teeth. Pointed ears. Scars on her knuckles and a few on her torso.

Usually wears an off the shoulder long dress. Light and flowy. Pink, White, Green colors.


Way of the Nameless Monk. Stoic and Protective, but polite. Doesn’t like to get into trouble, but will if if people are in danger. Doesn’t speak up unless necessary. Likes to punch things and try things that won’t work. All about duty and honor. Likes to garden in her free time.


A few garden seeds but she’s not one for having things, relationships are more important to her.

Additional Comments:

Tags: Fae, Monk