Santeri Vahan

OC Creator: Mel (@valdasine)
Question Contact: Rui

Okay to Cosplay? Yes

Character Information

Gender/Pronouns: he/him
Physical Description:

Santeri is a tall, well-muscled knight with eggplant purple hair, usually up in a ponytail but sometimes in a braid or bun for convenience. He is covered! In freckles! His face is totally freckled!! As a knight he’s typically in full armor but on his days off he wears fitted yet practical and plain dark clothing. Voted “most likely to carry a fanny pack” by his training class.


Team “No Fun Allowed” has entered the building. After being given a second chance from an upbringing on the streets, San takes his role as a knight-in-training (and later Prince Reid’s personal guard) VERY seriously. Often this means getting between Reid and whatever shenanigans he wants to get into.

It’s a full-time job.

He’s the embodiment of “I’ll keep all my emotions right here and then I’ll die” but he DOES have emotions, I promise. How else would he fall in love with Reid wait I mean what?? (forbidden romance? oh YES)


Standard issue sword and shield, snacks for Reid, and an assortment of hard candies in his pocket for himself.

Additional Comments:

i don’t know i just love this idiot lad, please accept him into your house and home

Tags: knight