Reid Valeri

OC Creator: Rui (@ruiverie/@dancergaius)
Question Contact: Mel

Okay to Cosplay? Yes

Character Information

Gender/Pronouns: he/him or she/her, afab and figuring it out !!! the journey here is fun
Physical Description:

he’s a 5’7″ muscular gym rat who is also the crown prince of an entire kingdom so he dresses real fancy. he has a milk tea colored hair that is usually adorned with some sort of nice clip or something to show off his royal status.

In a modern world, he would Absolutely dress like a frat boy. If Reid knew what frat boys were he would absolutely want to dress like one. Unfortunately.


His full name is Reid Ceriza Soltér Valeri cause he a fancy bitch.

As the sole heir to his kingdom’s throne, Reid was raised in a bubble and as no idea how non-royals act. He’s sheltered and naive but he’s a RASCAL and always tries to get into mischief as soon as he can because palace life is boring! He also has ice magic that he struggles to control because no on will teach him.

Due to a series of unfortunate events he is forced to flee his kingdom on a cross-country journey to take back his birthright. He may be naive but he has a heart of gold and always sees the good in people. He’d want to save the world if given the opportunity. Also has a never ending appetite.

Not a fan of Santeri’s “No Fun Allowed” but he needs that in his life.


Fancy ceremonial sword he stole from the palace and should not have, and an egg. His trusting nature means he spent all his money on the first shifty merchant’s “IT’S A DRAGON EGG!” pitch. Is it really a dragon egg? Is it a rock? Is it… just an egg? He’ll have to wait for it to hatch.

Additional Comments:

he’s my babey and i love him

Tags: prince