Pride (Fedya)

OC Creator: Ashley. (twit: deckitdnd/dndashley/deckthisout)
Question Contact: Ashley. It's me.

Okay to Cosplay? Yes

Character Information

Gender/Pronouns: They/Them He/Him
Physical Description:

The embodiment of the sin of Pride, He always wears the most expensive, well tailored dark blue suits. Whether he is taking his former mortal elf form, or the shadowy black-blue demon.

He has failed trying to end the world a few times now. Once it even cost him his life. But don’t worry! Bogdan brought him back to the mortal plane and found him a body to continue his quest.


Pride, the demon, does not have any positive emotions. He gave them up for power centuries ago. His only motivation is Pride and fulfilling that insatiable desire.

His magic is centered around mind manipulation and illusion, making him a master manipulator. Pride has, regrettably, kept his most Loyal Pet Bogdan around.


rui: what’s pride’s favorite fruit
ashley: blueberries

Warlock contracts, black day planner, blue glowing ink, a wand made of crystalized magic,

Additional Comments:

pride did actually grow his heart back after being revived by Bishop (a former god). And then brought back through bogdan’s power of love. bogdan doesn’t know tho. neither does shad. let him find this on his own. 🙂

Tags: pride, elf, wizard, mage, villain, bad elf, bad sexy elf