Luci Calloway

OC Creator: ASHLEY (twitter: deckthisout/dndashley insta: deckitout)
Question Contact: shad, emily,

Okay to Cosplay? Yes

Character Information

Gender/Pronouns: he/him
Physical Description:

He’s like 5’8 and a human boy. He’s a calloway so he’s got dark black hair and dark eyes. An affinity to moon imagery and fall out boy.

Luci wears crop tops and leggins and i mean he is in a circus whose colors are black and gold.


ABAP/Mania era fall out boy. He’s snarky and has one braincell that is usually thinking about his cool knife collection.

He’s a bastard kid of a bad man and he ran off and joined his pal gidley’s circus because of his daddy issues. he’s a sword swallower. rn he’s kinda trying to deal with the fact his is too magic in the magic-is-illegal world!


at least six knives
he has swords but no one has seen him do anything with them other than stick them down his throat

Additional Comments:

Tags: emo, clown, knife,